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Your Breath Can Heal You

Breathing is a process of receiving from the universe and giving back to it; inhaling to receive life and love and exhaling to let go of what no longer serves us and give back.

The gift of breath is one of the most basic and effective ways to enhance your life.

This most basic and essential tool of all our activities can also be the most transformative. Focusing on breathing and relaxation is the most effective way to recalibrate your nervous system.

Your breath and how you breathe is intimately connected with all aspects of your being.

As adults we often lose the effortless and full rhythmic breathing we had as babies. We tend to breathe in shallow short breaths which restricts the flow of our life force energy.

When you breathe in a conscious, steady, and rhythmic pattern, energy rises, your heart opens and trapped emotions are released.

Breathwork sessions recalibrate your nervous system and result in an open heart and greater love for self; healing of grief and trauma; and increased joy, happiness, and abundance.

Breathwork is a simple, powerful breathing technique, accessible to everyone. It is one of the most valuable self-healing tools you can learn.

In a Breathwork session, I create a safe space, guiding and gently supporting you, as you learn the 2-part breathing technique.

You will breathe along with music that helps you focus on your breath, inhaling into your belly and into your heart.

The steady, rhythmic, active breath floods your body with energy. As the energy accumulates, it moves freely within your body.

There are a wide range of sensations that you may feel during a Breathwork session. Every individual is unique, but most people experience tingling and vibrating sensations, as well as, both physical and emotional release.

Each session concludes with an integration (relaxation) phase that leaves you feeling clear and energized.

Your breath brings up what is most important for you at the time of the session and promotes deep and lasting inner peace.

Breathwork clients often report increased mental clarity, increased intuition, and a greater connection to self, Source, and love.

Breathwork helps awaken your true essence, leading you to a more authentic life filled with self-love.

Self-love is a choice, an opening to the true contentment and deep peace that can only come from a strong relationship with yourself.